Dearest Breathing Room Friends,
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
We are getting a bit of a slow start this semester, but the yoga and meditation is coming! Here is your official update:
1. Laura's Slow Flow Yoga will start next Thursday, 1/24. The time is the same as last semester: 12-12:50.
2. Meditation: Phyllis plans to offer a 6 week meditation series on Mondays at noon. She is looking for input about when to begin. Look for an email from her about options.
3. VOTE for Jonna's Yoga Class Time: I need to move the day/time for my (Jonna's) yoga class. We are doing a yoga research project that requires the Breathing Room space on Monday afternoons (very exciting!). Please use this Doodle to indicate the day/time that works best for you:
4. Join Psychology of Yoga Class: I am teaching a 3 credit hour class with 12 lovely students this semester. It includes many classic readings and each class will be split between discussion, activities to experiment with concepts, and practicing yoga & breathing. You are invited to join us! To be involved, send me an email requesting access to the class Moodle page. Then, you can use the course calendar to find the readings for a given day. I ask that you prepare the reading and come ready to discuss with the class on any day you attend.
5. Add a Class? If you or someone you know would like to offer a class in Breathing Room, let us know! We would love to hear about other offerings for our community.
Thanks to all for your support and contributions to Breathing Room! It's going to be a great semester!
All -- I'm looking to find the optimum time to offer my six-week meditation/mindfulness class. Tentatively, I was thinking noon-12:30 on Mondays. This would be a guided class. I would also like to offer a 20-minute silent sit for more experienced meditators after that, 12:30-1.
Can you let me know if either/both are of interest to you and the time/date works -- or a suggestion for a better time/date.
Thanks, Phyllis