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Course Design

4. Assessment Development

4.1. Check-in tool

This tool is called start, stop, and continue: We suggest giving this about two weeks into the course and then again around midpoint. 

Stop, Start, Continue Survey - Link

Reflection and Feedback


Think about yourself and your learning in this course

1.  Identify 1-2 things that you have been doing that support your learning


2. Identify 1-2 things that you have been doing that hinder your learning


3. Identify 1-2 suggestions you might adopt to improve your learning


Think about the course design, daily flow, and my teaching

1.  Identify 1-2 things that support your learning


2. Identify 1-2 things that hinder your learning


3. Identify 1-2 suggestions that I integrate into the course to improve your learning


Think about your fellow classmates

1.  Identify 1-2 things that your peers have been doing that support your learning


2. Identify 1-2 things that your peers have been doing that hinder your learning


3. Identify 1-2 suggestions your peers might adopt to improve your learning


4.   Is there anything else you'd like me to know?





Adapted and based on the TAP from James Madison University