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Course Design

2. Building your syllabus

Some general guidelines in designing an engaging syllabus.  


Try to ensure that your syllabus is focused on student learning. Michael Palmer, Lindsay Wheeler, and Itiya Aneece (2016) found that “When students read a learning-focused syllabus, they have significantly more positive perceptions of the document itself, the course described by the syllabus, and the instructor associated with the course.” Learning-centered syllabi place learning objectives front and center, align assessment activities with learning objectives, guide students through the learning environment, and invite students to engage in and take ownership of their learning. The Office of Faculty Development at the California State University, Northridge (CSUN) provides a helpful checklist of learning-centered syllabus components. Working with Dorothe Bach and Adriana Streifer at the University of Virginia’s Center for Teaching Excellence, Palmer developed a rubric by which professors can grade their own syllabi for a focus on learning.


We typically prepare syllabi as visual documents, but some of our students may require accommodations to read our syllabi. Tulane’s Accessible Syllabus website can help you make your syllabus accessible to all students. As you think about syllabus accessibility, don’t limit yourself to the categories of accessibility typically supported by the Office of Student Accessibility. In particular, ensure that your use of color does not obscure important information from your students with narrower ranges of color vision.


While the MHU does not require any particular language regarding gender or other aspects of students’ personal identity, you might choose to include something like the following: “Professional courtesy and sensitivity are important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, and nationality. Class rosters provide students’ legal names, but I will gladly honor requests to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun if advised.” 

Aesthetic Appeal

In years past, the Chronicle of Higher Education’s ProfHacker blog has showcased creative syllabus designs. One such design is the logo graphic syllabus. You will have an example of that later in this chapter.